This is a holistic therapy which uses very fine solid needles to be inserted into the skin to promote pain relief, decrease inflammation and speedy recovery.
This therapy includes the mind and body connection, and is based on proper energy flow called “Chi or Ki”. If this energy which flows throughout the body on tracks called meridians ,is unbalanced, then sickness and disease can manifest themselves in the body and spirit.
The western understanding of acupuncture is that of physiological (body chemicals)response; thus related to treating the nerves, muscles, joints and connective tissues of the human frame. It has been proven to be effective for hundred of conditions.
How Acupuncture Works…
Acupuncture is a form of a treatment that involves insertion of hair-thin needles into specific points on the body. This process restores the body’s normal, smooth flow of “Qi” which results in significant or complete improvement of the condition, alleviating not only the symptoms, but also treating the root cause of the problem.
From a western scientific perspective, it is not really understood yet how exactly acupuncture works. Only the numerous effects it has on the body are observed and well documented
Health Benefits
- Reduces or completely alleviates Pain anywhere on the body due to injury or chronic conditions like Arthritis
- Helps with any kind of addiction
- Relieves Depression and Anxiety
- Assists with Infertility
- Induces Labor
- Relieves Stress and protects the body from the damage by Stress ;
- Helps with Weight Loss
- Migraines
- Various menstrual cycle related problems including menopause
- Sinus and Allergy problems
- Various Digestive Disorders
- Autoimmune conditions
- Skin disorders
- Chronic Fatigue
- Improves the outcome of surgery and the recovery after
- Assists with side effects of Chemo Therapy
- Improves General Well Being
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Monday to Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday Closed
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+91 9387920008
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